Two-Tone Pool in Moorpark

Services: Custom Design, Pool Heating System Repair, Pool Plastering, Pool Remodeling & Renovation
Project Duration: 2-4 weeks
Two-Tone Pool in Moorpark
Pools can be the reflection of their owners. The design of backyard pools usually shows the homeowner’s preferences in style and constitution. We, at Valley Pool Plaster, offer professional quality pool remodeling in Moorpark. In this project, we helped the owner achieve a unique two-tone design giving both the pool and the spa its distinct character. This project took an average of two to four weeks and included the use of two different pebble colors and color-changing LED lights.
Benefits of Using Pool Pebble
When remodeling your pool, using the right materials can make a lot of difference. One of the most sought-after pool interior finish today is pool pebble. Here are just a few reasons why you should consider using this type of material for your next pool resurfacing project.
- Lasting pool finish
- Easier to clean and maintain
- Provides needed traction
Pool pebbles are generally more durable than pool plaster and here’s why. They use pebble stones as aggregates and use high-quality and specially formulated form of cement. For comparison, pool plasters last only an average of seven years while pool pebbles can go as long as 15 to 20 years. This gives you a lasting pool finish both in the areas of aesthetics and overall structural integrity. Compared to pool plaster, pool pebbles may have a higher upfront cost, but its durability and longevity can justify the more expensive installation cost. That said, you can expect minimal manifestations of wear and tear. It’s fairly resistant to stains, although, one should still be watchful of pool water chemistry as pool pebble can still be susceptible to mineral buildup. In this case, your pool pebble may require acid washing.
Generally, pool pebbles are easier to clean and maintain. They are more resistant to the chemicals used to treat the water and therefore develop fewer smears and stains compared to your average plaster. The combination of the beautiful pebble stones and the specialized cement creates a non-porous finish that does not absorb the chemicals in the water. On that same note, it’s also less predisposed to algae development. Pool pebble also offers a slightly coarse finish, which makes it easier to clean.
While we’re on the topic of coarseness, it’s good to note that the relatively coarse finish of pool pebble gives swimmers the traction they need. This means that you can minimize the risks of people tripping over the pool, which is of utmost importance for homeowners with children and elderly living with them. This traction allows for better stability when walking around the pool or if you use your pool for water therapy.
Remodeling your pool with pool pebble offers a variety of benefits and can increase the value of your home.
Valley Pool Plaster Best in Pool Remodeling
We’re proud to be Moorpark’s best especially when it comes to pool remodeling. We offer services that help you achieve the pool you want. Our services include custom pool designs, pool plastering, pool resurfacing, pool heating system installation and repair, and overall pool remodeling and renovation. Trust your pool to the professionals, trust in Valley Pool Plaster.
Learn more about our pool remodeling in Moorpark.